Need To Ask Some Questions Or Check Questions

1. How can I register as a faculty?
  • Step 1: Go to auth.gujgov.edu.in/Signup.
  • Step 2: Click the signup button.
  • Step 3: A Registration pop-up box will appear, and you’ll be guided through our sign-up experience. You’ll be prompted to enter information such as your phone number, email address, or confirm password.
  • Step 4: Enter the OTP you have received on email and mobile, and click Verify.
  • Step 5: Enter your Personal info, Institute details, Upload Document and click Submit.

2. What documents or information are needed for registration?
  • Personal info, Institute details, Aadharcard, Pancard, and passport-size photo.

3. Who reviews and approves the faculty registrations?
  • The Principal reviews and approves faculty registrations.

4. How long does the approval process take?
  • It depends on Principal

1. How can I register as a Principal?
  • Step 1: Go to auth.gujgov.edu.in/Signup.
  • Step 2: Click the signup button.
  • Step 3: A Registration pop-up box will appear, and you’ll be guided through our sign-up experience. You’ll be prompted to enter information such as your phone number, email address, or confirm password.
  • Step 4: Enter the OTP you have received on email and mobile, and click Verify.
  • Step 5: Enter your Personal info, Institute details, Upload Document and click Submit.

2. What documents or information are needed for registration?
  • Personal info, Institute details, Aadharcard, Pancard, and passport-size photo.

3. Who reviews and approves the Principal registrations?
  • The Higher Authority reviews and approves faculty registrations.

4. How long does the approval process take?
  • It depends on Higher Authority

1. Can I update my registration details after submitting?
  • No, you cannot update your details after registration

2. How can I change my Mobile Number/Email?

(Note: The Mobile Number/Email will be updated only after the principal's approval.)

  • Step 1: Login Your Profile.
  • Step 2: Click on HRMS (General) then Click Email/Mobile Change.
  • Step 3: Select request type, enter your Mobile Number/Email, and Click Submit.

  • Step 1: On the welcome page, select Sign in and then Forgot password.
  • Step 2: Enter the email address, phone no, or government ID that you are trying to request a password reset.
  • Step 3: Enter the OTP you received on your email, phone no, or government ID.
  • Step 4: Create a new password and click CHANGE PASSWORD.
  • Step 5: If you can't find these options, reach out to the support team or helpdesk.

1. I didn’t get a Gujgov id/How can I get a Gujgov id?
  • The gujgov id is generated after 10 days of your registration

2. How do I map my government ID to my cogent profile?
  • Step 1: Log in your government ID on outlook.office365.com/mail
  • Step 2: Set a new password.
  • Step 3: Log in your cogent id on auth.gujgov.edu.in.
  • Step 4: Enter gujgov id and click VERIFY.
  • Step 5: Enter the OTP you received on government id, and click on VERIFY.

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